Japanese Temari Books 
This listing, images and page content is provided by TemariKai.com, with help from Kiyoko at Sophia Books
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ISBN4-5290-02782-1  Japanese Title: Utsukushi Temari  (Utsukushi means "beautiful")
English title: Beautiful Temari - also known as the "Olympus Purple" - the title of the book is in a purple banner on the cover.
       Great, diagrammed beginner book, for intermediates also. Includes photos and diagrams to make a mari, and to work vertical, C8 and C10 divisions. Good pattern diagrams for the Temari presented cover most all of the basic stitching elements - you learn as you make the Temaris. This is the one book that is published in Western format - left to right, top to bottom. It is thought to be a reprint of an early volume. Good to learn from scratch, also for beginner to intermediate stitchers.

Authors: C. Ozaki, T. Ozaki, published in 1996, 104 pgs
67579-2    Unknown English title at this time - also known as the Olympus Green - the title of the book is in a green banner on the cover. (We are puzzled as to the type or lack there of of a traditional isbn number - the only identifier is the number given).
       A slim book, very basic for scratch learners and beginners. Step by step photos for making a mari, working vertical divisions, then adding an obi. Stitching instructions for squares (God's eye), spindles, 3 wing/hex, zig-zag, chrysanthemum. Moves into C8 division with interlocked squares and wrapped bands, then C10 with interlocked pentagons. These elements are all learned by working a ball with them. A few other patterns to use your skills are included at the end.
ISBN4-8377-0279-1  Japanese Title: Yasashii Temari  (Yasashii means "easy")
English title: Easy Temari, Cosmo Book 1
       First book of the Cosmos (Cosmo is a thread brand in Japan that apparently underwrote the publication of this series), a learning book. Includes a good assortment of simple/vertical division pattern elements: squares, spindles, wrapped bands, chrysanthemum, rose garden, tri wing/hex, diamonds, all with step by step photos or diagrammed instructions. Remainder of the book is a good assortment of patterns using these techniques. Beginners to intermediate level, but a good investment for all.

Author - Sensei Ozaki, 72 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0280-5  Japanese Title: Sousaku Temari  (Sousaku means "creative")
English title:  CreativeTemari,  Cosmo Book 2
Second in the Cosmo series picks up where Cosmo 1 left off in teaching basics. This volume includes step by step instructions for C8 and C10 divisions, and assorted patterns using these divisions and elements with several techniques. Again a beginner to intermediate book, but good investment for all.

Author - Sensei Ozaki, 72 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0281-3  Japanese Title: Atarashi Temari 3  (Atarashi means "new")
English title: New Temari, Cosmo Book 3
       The third book of the series settles into "regular" format as will the remainder of the series. The first section of the book is pages of Temari photos and then rolls into the format of usually three balls with black and white photo, Japanese text, and the pattern diagram per two-page spread. From here on the Cosmo books do not include detailed "how tos" for the basics. There may be a special technique introduced with a little additional info on it; in this book some patterns of "lace-like" Temari are included.

Author - Sensei Ozaki, 72 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0282-1 Japanese Title: Atarashi Temari 4 (Atarashi means "new")
English title, New Temari, Cosmo Book 4
       Fourth in the series. Includes all types of designs, slightly more advanced but not out of reach of intermediates than Book 3. Good for intermediate to advanced crafters.

Author - Sensei Ozaki, 72 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0283-0 Japanese Title: Atarashi Temari 5  (Atarashi means "new")
English title: New Temari, Cosmo Book 5
       Fifth book in the Cosmo set. Broad range of pattern designs. About the same level of difficulty as Book 4 -  Intermediate to advanced levels.

Author - Sensei Ozaki, 72 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0784-X  Japanese Title: Atarashi Temari 6  (Atarashi means "new")
English title: New Temari,  Cosmo Book 6
       Sixth in the series, and another good overall collection of patterns on the upper intermediate to advanced level. Lots of patterns using squares in all sizes and orientations as a variation on a theme.

Author - Sensei Ozaki, 72 pgs
ISBN4-8377-00885-4  Japanese Title: Atarashi Temari 7  (Atarashi means "new")
English title: New Temari, Cosmo Book 7
       To date the (and most likely) last in the series. It again contains a good overall distribution of pattern types, more for the advanced stitcher.             

Author - Sensei Ozaki, 72 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0292 -9   Japanese Title: Kaga Hana Temari  (Kaga is the name for the area notrthwest of Kyoto; Hana means "flower")
English title: Flower Temari from Kyoto
As the name implies most all of the designs in this book are floral like, worked in many different methods. There  are some geometric patterns bur relatively few compared to the distribution in other books. Includes multiple patterns that resemble "stained" glass, since they also resemble floral motifs. Book also includes color diagrams showing advanced subsectioning of C8 and C10 divisions, and an excellent two page color illustrated summary of stitches. Most are advanced level designs, but some intermediates with dedication could work some patterns included.

Author: Yoko Takahara, published 1992, 71 pages                                                                                                                                                                                            
ISBN4-8377-0391-7 Japanese Title: Owari Temari 
English Title: Special Temari from Owari, Japan
As always a great selection of patterns, but in addition the best benefit, and the best book for this, are the wonderful pages with color illustrations and photos showing all divisions being done, and then multiple different subsectioning variations with extra marking lines. Photos of Temari made using these divisions are included on the same page. Pattern levels are confident beginner to advanced stitchers. Good reference, teaching and inspirational book for all.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Author: Ayako Sato, published 1991 71 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0393-3 Japanese Title: Kii Temari  (Kii is an area in Japan south of Kyoto)
English Title: Temari from Kii
Stunning designs using all styles - florals, geometrics, pictorial embroidery, woven, and layered designs. No general instructions, a working knowledge of Temari is needed, so this is for advanced stitchers.

Authors: Yukio Hisayama and Hiroko Takimoto, published 1993, 71 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0394-1 Japanese Title: Edo Temari  (Edo is the old historical name for Tokyo)
English title: Tokyo Temari
Geometric and nature-inspired designs, including snowflake, dragonfly, stars... a beautiful collection of patterns, upper intermediate to advanced level.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Author: Toshiko Ozaki, published 1994, 71 pgs
ISBN4-8377-0395-X   Japanese Title: Temari Nyumon/Hana Temari Nyumon (Nyumon means "beginner"; Hana means "flower")
English title: Flower Temari, Beginner's Course
Floral patterns with some geometrics. Color collection of indigo and white. Good diagrams showing subsections of divisions; excellent diagrams of stitches and pattern elements. Good for experienced beginner to advanced crafters.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Author: Yoko Takahara, published in 1995, 71 pages                                                                                                                                                                                    

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