Japanese Temari Books Listings, page 3
This listing, images and page content is provided by TemariKai.com, with help from Kiyoko at Sophia Books
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No ISBN - Japanese Title: Temari - Seisaku Noto
English Title: Temari - Production Note

This is the workbook/notebook privately published by the Japan Temari Association in Tokyo. It is available only by personal purchase at the Temari Association Museum in Tokyo. You may purchase them in person there whether you are an Association member of not but they will not mail order them out. The pages are set up to provide pattern grids and blank note areas to write your own notes about patterns that you learn or develop.
2031 ISBN 4--8377-0203-1 Japanese Title: Aya no Hana Temari
English Title:  Colorful Flower Temari

       This is a beautiful presentaion of photos, mostly multipole and floral designs - wonderful eye candy to appreciate but sadly no patterns! Accomplished stitchers could of course decipher from the photos but these are intricate patterns.

Author: Kuni Sawada, published 2003. 47 pgs

ISBN: unknown  Japanese Title:  Temari - Shukogei Nyumon
English Title: Temari - Handcraft Lessons for Beginners

An older book, out of print. Good mix of basic to intermediate patterns.

Author: Chiyoko Ozaki, published 1977. 174 pgs, hardback.
ISBN: Unknown   Japanese Title:   Tanoshii Temari Nyumon
English Title: Fun Temari Lessons for Beginners

Another representative mix of basic to intermediate patterns and techniques. Part of a handcraft series it appears. Out of print.

Author: Chiyoko Ozaki, 127 pgs.

7577 ISBN: Unknown   Japanese Title:  Temari
English Title:  Temari

Beginner basics, part of a general handcraft series. Out of print.

Author: Chiyoko Ozaki, 65 pgs

ISBN: -4-89423-385-1  Japanese Title:  Temari
English Title: Temari

      One volume of a series of books reviewing children's toys. Photos of themed temari related to children and playthemes. Very basic intructions geared to the later elementary age child.

Author: Nichon-Temari-no-Kai and Toshiko Ozaki, published 2004. 31 pgs.
ISBN4-8377-0682  Japanese Title: Nihon no Temari - Dento Temari Sakuhinshu
English Title:  Japanese Temari - Collection of Traditional Temari

       This is believed to be a history/review of the Japan Temari Association. It is very much a keepsake book, in a slip-cover and box. Exquisite temari photos as well as many biographical inserts of Japanese Temari artisits.

Published 1982, 91 pgs.  Out of print.
ISBN4-7952-0362-8  Japanese Title:  Gotenmari no Sekai
English Title: World of Gotenmari

      Temari created to illustrate other traditional Japanese art forms - literature, theater and life.  This is a photo book - unique in concept, but not an instructional or pattern volume.  Commentary in both Kanji and English.

Authors: Takashi Mashima and Yoriko Noda, published 1997, 80 pgs.

Title Translations in progress

        This book is of using Temari to create mobiles. It offers directions and patterns for a variety of temari, of various levels of dificult. It also offers instructions for making the mobiles, as well as the accessories used in the mobiles such as knots, chirimen dolls and woven bamboo balls. Nicely diagrammed.

Author: Yoko Takahara; published 2005

Title Translations in progress

       While not specifically temari, this book of mobile making does include them. There are limited instructions for making temari shown as part of the mobiles. It also includes modern-day kimekomi, chirimen dolls and figures and felt figures. Full size patterns for dolls and figures; some temari instructions and patterns.

Author: Aiko Sakai;  Published in 2002

Title Translations in progress

Another mobile book, it focuses more on chirimen. There is a small amount of information on temari and kimekomi but the majority of the book is devoted to fabric creations.

Author: Katsumi Yamioka; published in 2002

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Last updated 05/05 © From 1998 inclusive G.Thompson